Task Overview
On this page, you find the files containing the different tasks for the Fabrex simulation. Furthermore, you will need the Miro Board to work on the tasks.

Task 1: Understanding the Context
Start your journey by collecting all information that you can get about Fabrex. Understand the context, identify the change gap and formulate your assignment as a change consultant.

Task 2: Envision
What is the ultimate goal of the transformation project at FABREX? Preise are short presentation and guide the class through the vision creation process.

Task 3: Engage
How to get everybody on board? What are the perspectives of FABREX‘ employees towards the change process? Guide the class through a stakeholder workshop and ensure that everybody is on board.

Task 4: Transform
How will the organizational design of FABREX look in the future? How can we ensure that all units work together? Prepare an idea for the organizational design of Fabrex and guide the class through a role finding workshop.

Task 5: Optimize
How can we steer the transformation process? Prepare a short presentation about Objectives and Key Results and guide the class through a goal setting workshop.
Collaboration Board
Find here the Miro Board to work on the simulation. You can always also open the board externally for better usability.